페이지 정보

작성자 Zonetech
0건 조회 1,259회 작성일 20-06-10 10:40


Super Tiny Tag

EXTRA PROTECTION : The Super Tiny Tag provides an extra layer of protection from shoplifting in the market.  Sturdy with reliable detection, the Super Tiny Tag effectively temperates and deters stealing.  It is designed to withstand up to 30 pounds of load on a pin to prevent pin penetration issues. 

SUPER STRENGTH PIN-CATCHER : The super strength pin catcher can be affixed on products, making it impossible to separate the tag from the product with manual force or a regular magnetic detacher. A detacher with super-strength magnetic flux must be used to remove the tag. It protects the product from the shoplifter carrying a regular detacher.

Application : General Products, Durags, Beauty Supplies 

Dimesion : 41mm x 35mm, 8.2 MHz 

Color : Black 

Lock : Super Flux 


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